Duplex Movie
This black comedy tells the story of a young yuppie couple who is looking for a perfect home. Alex Rose (Ben Stiller) and Nancy Kendricks (Drew Barrymore) are over the moon when they finally settle for a grand Brooklyn duplex which comes with an upstairs tenant, Mrs. Connelly (Eileen Essell). However, their happiness and their security fly out of the window as soon as they become conscious that Mrs. Connelly isn
- Alex and Nancy finally found their dream home...And then they moved in.
It all started with one wrong move
- Moving In September 26th
Movie Info
- Year:
- 2003
- IMDB Rating:
- 5.6
- IMDB Votes:
- 8981
- Countries:
- USA, Germany
- Genres:
- Comedy
- Tags:
Con artist, Gun, Twist in the end, New york, Hospital, Manhattan, Money, New york city, Hitman, Fire
- Domestic:
- $9,692,135 (50.2%)
- + Foreign:
- $9,630,000 (49.8%)
- = Worldwide:
- $19,322,135
- Opening
Weekend: - $4,617,128 (2,189 theaters, $2,109 average) % of Total Gross: 47.6%
- Release:
- 2,191 theaters