Fracture Movie
The crime suspense movie centers on a promising young assistant district attorney, Willy Beachum (Ryan Gosling), who finds himself drawn into an intricate cat-and-mouse game of Ted Crawford (Anthony Hopkins) who has shot his adulterous wife (Embeth Davidtz) but manages to avoid being imprisoned due to legal loopholes.
- J'ai tu
I shot my wife.
- If you look close enough, you'll find everyone has a weak spot.
I shot my wife...prove it.
Movie Info
- Year:
- 2007
- IMDB Rating:
- 6.8
- IMDB Votes:
- 3180
- Countries:
- Genres:
- Thriller, Crime, Drama
- Tags:
Adultery, Murder, Gun, Death, Detective, Revenge, Shot in the face, Ambition, Courtroom, Law firm
- Domestic:
- $39,015,018 (42.7%)
- + Foreign:
- $52,339,197 (57.3%)
- = Worldwide:
- $91,354,215
- Opening
Weekend: - $11,014,657 (2,443 theaters, $4,508 average) % of Total Gross: 28.2%
- Release:
- 2,443 theaters