Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Movie

Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) returns to Hogwarts School of Wizardry for his second year. After a confrontation with a house elf named Dobby, Harry escapes to the Weasley house with Ron Weasley (Rupert Grint) in a flying car. They are then late for the train and have to ride it to school. When they get there, strange happenings invade the school. "Mudbloods" (people of Muggle families) are "petrified" by an evil monster lurking in the grounds. When every one suspects that it is him, the trio then set out to find the culprit and find out more than they bargained for: the diary of Tom Riddle, why Hagrid was expelled and what the Chamber of Secrets is and why is it so feared in Hogwarts.
- "Dobby Has Come To Warn You Sir."
Hogwarts is back in session.
- Something Evil Has Returned To Hogwarts!
The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heir... beware!
- The Chamber of Secrets has opened...
The second year begins November 15
Movie Info
- Year:
- 2002
- IMDB Rating:
- 7.2
- IMDB Votes:
- 66666
- Countries:
- UK, USA, Germany
- Genres:
- Adventure, Mystery, Fantasy, Family
- Tags:
Blockbuster, Martial arts, Sequel, Character name in title, Train, Twist in the end, Blood, Child in peril, Friendship, Humor
- Domestic:
- $261,988,482 (29.8%)
- + Foreign:
- $617,000,000 (70.2%)
- = Worldwide:
- $878,988,482
- Opening
Weekend: - $88,357,488 (3,682 theaters, $23,997 average) % of Total Gross: 33.7%
- Release:
- 3,682 theaters