London to Brighton Movie
Set in the sordid underworld of prostitution and gang crime in London, this violent and gory crime thriller follows two girls, middle-aged hooker Kelly (Lorraine Stanley) and 11-year-old runaway Joanne (Georgia Groome). After Kelly's pimp, Derek (Johnny Harris) coerces the underage girl to act against her will and have intercourse with a client, Duncan Allen (Alexander Morton), the girls become involved in a brutal stabbing of the old man. They leave him to bleed in the bathtub and flee to the railway station where they board a train for Brighton. When Stuart Allen (Sam Spruell), a merciless gangster, discovers his father dead, he orders Derek to find the girls within 24 hours. Otherwise he will lose his head...
Movie Info
- Year:
- 2006
- IMDB Rating:
- 7.1
- IMDB Votes:
- 1730
- Countries:
- UK
- Genres:
- Thriller, Crime
- Tags:
Sweden:15, Norway:15, UK:18, France:-12, Finland:K-15, Ireland:16