Oliver Twist Movie
Set in Victorian England, the drama chronicles adventures of Oliver Twist (Barney Clark), a 9-year-old lowly orphan born in a workhouse run by the hypocritical, cruel Mr. Bumble (Jeremy Swift). Fed up with maltreatment and poor conditions in the workhouse, Oliver ventures to escape to the streets of London where he is trapped in a den of young pickpockets and petty thieves led by the sinister old Fagin (Ben Kingsley). He tries perfidiously to draw the innocent boy into a life of crime. When Oliver is caught and mistaken for a thief who has participated in the robbery of the wealthy Mr. Brownlow (Edward Hardwicke), the kindly old gentleman decides to take the miserable boy home and give him a proper upbringing.
Movie Info
- Year:
- 2005
- IMDB Rating:
- 7
- IMDB Votes:
- 5804
- Countries:
- UK, France, Italy, Czech Republic
- Genres:
- Drama, Family
- Tags:
London england, Murder, Character name in title, Pickpocket, Prison, Thief, Friendship, Arrest, Police chase, Redemption