Scanner Darkly, A Movie

The L.A. of a not-too-distant future suffers a surge of drug abuse involving a new ultra-addictive and eventually brain-damaging substance simply named "D". Bob Arctor is an undercover narc leading a double life, dutifully reporting to his superiors while effectively having abandoned whatever normal existence he had for a "D" user/dealer career. But this schizophrenic situation and the drug-induced memory and concentration lapses put Bob under mounting stress.
- Everything Is Not Going To Be OK
What Does A Scanner See?
Movie Info
- Year:
- 2006
- IMDB Rating:
- 7.3
- IMDB Votes:
- 14408
- Countries:
- Genres:
- Thriller, Drama, Sci-Fi, Mystery, Animation
- Tags:
Twist in the end, Death, Detective, Female nudity, Police, Title spoken by character, Vomit, Deception, Fantasy sequence, Premarital sex