Slipstream Movie
"Slipstream" is a noir-comedy about an actor and would-be screenwriter, who at the very moment of his meeting with Fate, comes to discover that life is random and fortune is sightless as he is thrown into a vortex where time, dreams, and reality collide in an increasingly whirling slipstream. The film will be a complex, surreal and dreamlike tale of one man's journey.
- I've got to get back.
Movie Info
- Year:
- 2007
- IMDB Rating:
- 5.5
- IMDB Votes:
- 1847
- Countries:
- Genres:
- Comedy, Drama, Sci-Fi, Fantasy
- Tags:
Daydream, Diner, Friendship, Bar, Hitman, Independent film, Surreal, Alter ego, Dream like, Reality
- Domestic:
- $8,965 (32.3%)
- + Foreign:
- $18,804 (67.7%)
- = Worldwide:
- $27,769
- Opening
Weekend: - $6,273 (6 theaters, $1,045 average) % of Total Gross: 70.0%
- Release:
- 6 theaters