The Evil Dead Movie
The creepy thriller follows five teenage friends, Ash (Bruce Campbell), his girlfriend Linda (Betsy Baker), and their classmates Shelly (Sarah York, Scott (Hal Delrich) and Cheryl (Ellen Sandweiss), who venture to travel to an abandoned mountain cabin in the impassable woods of Tennessee. Once there, they stumble upon the Book of the Dead, and a reel-to-reel tape recorder belonging to a professor of archaeology. Playing back the professor's recorded incantations, the kids unwittingly resurrect dormant demons from the depths of the woods. One by one, the youngsters are transformed into the evil dead and start hacking each other to pieces. Only Ash is left intact to battle the evil spirits.
- The Ultimate Experience In Grueling Terror
Can They Be Stopped?
Movie Info
- Year:
- 1981
- IMDB Rating:
- 7.5
- IMDB Votes:
- 27427
- Countries:
- Genres:
- Thriller, Horror, Fantasy
- Tags:
Remake, Blood, Blood splatter, Female nudity, Stabbed to death, Anti hero, Bridge, Fight with self, Violence, Occult