The Upside of Anger Movie
Terry (Joan Allen), a sharp-witted woman and a mother of four, had lost her husband and trying to drown her sorrows in alcohol. Once she gets acquainted with Denny (Kevin Costner), an ex-basketball player living in her neighborhood who now works at a radio-station as a DJ. With both Terry and Denny feeling down in the dumps about recent events in their lives, the two find themselves drawn to one another. Soon Denny becomes a good drinking buddy for Terry and slowly evolves into her source of strength, and, in fact, becomes like father to her daughters. But things get complicated as Danny, Terry and her daughters attempting to juggle their romantic dilemmas.
- the person you can become.
Sometimes what tears us apart helps us put it back together
Movie Info
- Year:
- 2005
- IMDB Rating:
- 7.1
- IMDB Votes:
- 7330
- Countries:
- UK, USA, Germany
- Genres:
- Comedy, Drama, Romance
- Tags:
Twist in the end, Corpse, Title spoken by character, Fantasy sequence, Friendship, Restaurant, Wedding, Bathroom, Cemetery, Dog